When we go on trips, we typically meet at the airport between 6 and 7, preflight the plane, get weather briefings, file a flight plan, bring snacks and drinks, and our bags. That’s for a day flight. We leave at about 8:00 AM and return about midnight.

Today we’re off to the only aquarium we haven’t seen in North Carolina, the one at Fort Fisher. We will fly into Cape Fear Airport and take it from there.

Loving life I think is the key to eternal youth. Come along with us.

Our objective was to go see the Fort Fisher Aquarium, but as you will see it quickly went to the birds.

Angels, birds, and airplanes: Excuse me while I kiss the sky as Jimi Hendrix said. Welcome to paradise.

Related Images:

May 18, 2019: Cape Fear Airport, Fort Fisher, and Lorikeets

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