The exhilaration of flying is too keen, the pleasure too great, for it to be neglected as a sport.” Orville Wright

Flying in two words is “Pure Paradise”.  When I met my instructor this morning to fly, I had no idea what we would be doing or where we would be going.  I was elated to find that I would be flying to Greenbrier, West Virginia using VOR.  

It’s fun to practice navigating using a VOR. (Doing that, I know exactly where yonder is.)  It’s like opening up a whole new world for me.  I wish I could share everything I’m learning with you.  You would be so impressed with the aviation world.  

My Yoda is now also teaching me to communicate more – this time at a towered airport: Lewisburg (West Virginia).  He’s a saint for his patience in teaching me.  I just keep telling myself, can’t never could.  I’ll do my homework this weekend until I have it down pat.

Oh, my goodness, the Lewisburg airport sure has its charm.  It was so incredibly beautiful!   It has one very long, very wide runway. All the people we encountered there were also super nice.  I love this airport!!  It was like bringing out the Steel Magnolia for my southern roots.  I felt right at home there.  Growing up Southern truly was my privilege. Sweet tea, barbecues, guitars, front porches, hanging ferns, moon pies, where everything is Honey and Darlin’, somebody is always getting their heart blessed,  and it’s more than a region, it’s a state of mind.   See pictures below.

I always say this is the best day yet.  This truly was.  It was a beautiful day to fly, to learn, and go on a great adventure.  Then I had to get back to work!

Things to do in Greenbrier, West Virginia:  go see the Greenbrier Government Relocation Facility;   famous resort: The Greenbrier;   The Greenbrier Falconry: learn about eagles and falcons;   check out the Lost World Caverns;  go see The Salt Cave and Spa;  go visit the Greenbrier Outfitters if you want to  kayak or canoe or other experiences;  and much more!  One of the things I want to go back and do is to eat at the Landings Restaurant and visit the tower.


The Landings Restaurant was very recently remodeled. Check out the authentic barn wood flooring and bar. And, those chairs are gorgeous – and extremely heavy!!


West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine really caught my eye seeing that I work for the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

This is largest VOR I’ve ever seen. From up above it, it looks like giant dinosaur eggs.
View of the airport from above.


My heartfelt thanks always to my Wicked Awesome Yoda, aka flight instructor, for capturing beautiful memories.


Related Images:

April 12, 2018: Flying is Paradise

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