This morning I was thinking how my flight instructor is like my very own Yoda.  You know the wise and powerful one, the one who knows, conquering us all with his soothing and trustworthy voice, unlocking the path to happiness (instead of immortality), and lastly, his kindness.

And, in that spirit,  this morning I got to the airport and was a little apprehensive about taking off and doing landings on Runway 12 at the Virginia Tech airport in a crosswind by myself.  (Runway 12 is not my favorite runway for personal reasons.)  But, my flight instructor, you know, the Yoda-minded one, came to the rescue and did some take offs and landings with me and helped me get in the right frame:  “Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.”

So, I then did 5 solo takeoffs and landings.  Notice, there is one landing for each takeoff, so all’s well that ends well.  He had faith in me.

The other thing he gave me today was a fresh start to the second day of the rest of my life.  “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”

He gave me the purity of snow (pictures).  “Balance. Powerful light, powerful darkness.”

 “May the force be with you!”


Related Images:

March 26, 2018: Yoda and the Second Solo

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