I was supposed to have completed my solo this morning. But once again the weather, or more to the point: wind prevailed:

KBCB 230855Z AUTO 30009G17KT 250V320 10SM BKN038 00/M07 A3019 RMK

So, my flight instructor rescheduled it to 1:00 this afternoon. That didn’t happen either.

Lastly, there was a last ditch effort to do it at 5:00 PM – which regrettably didn’t happen either due to high winds.

Stay tuned: maybe tomorrow morning before the snow storm.

I recently read that only twenty percent of student pilots get their pilot’s license. From an outsider’s view, the primary reason for not reaching that enviable goal would be because of money or financial constraints, right? But, my guess is that money would be low down on a great many students’ list although it is a concern. It’s something that gets in your blood and changes your life in ways you never thought possible: it makes you feel wealthier than any amount of money ever could. It feels like winning the lottery every time you fly.

For me, it’s been several things that would put me in that sad eighty percent: weather is probably top on that list, along with scheduling. I keep thinking if my lessons are called off this much due to weather, how often could I really plan flying trips with time constraints. Secondly, if I were to be honest, it would be because of what I’ve encountered at the airport. I get no sense of community. There are some nice people there, don’t get me wrong, but I never get a sense of community. Thank goodness, I do get a sense of community, no it feels more like family, where I work. Thirdly is something within me. I keep reading that it’s a plateau and I’ll get through it. I *feel like* I’ve walked on fire, been pummeled by rain, and crawled in freezing cold to get to this point. But, if it were easy, everyone would be a pilot, I suppose, right? Lastly, I keep looking for an affordable Cessna 172 with auto-pilot that I could fly for trips. So, if you’re reading this, please keep an eye out for me, okay?

The rest of my life will be a blank slate after doing the solo. At this point, I’m giving some thought to what my goals will become. Yesterday is just history. I can’t do anything about history, got to just leave it there. All I need now is a cupcake and a road/flying trip.

My life is a beautiful struggle.

“Those who fly SOLO have the strongest wings.”

“Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.” Never forget that.

Related Images:

March 23, 2018: Too Windy to Solo

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