“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~Albert Einstein

I always focus on flying and my touch and go’s – they’re tons of fun and my heart still skips a beat each time I do them, but today I want to focus on the photos.  I have photos up to remind me of all the beauty in the world.  In fact, I surround myself with them.  Roger hasn’t forgotten the gift – or for that matter, the rational mind, either. Every single time we fly, I’m in awe of every breathtaking moment.  But I know that I could never, ever capture what I’m seeing to share with you.  Sometimes he only has a second.  He’s not only an incredible flight instructor who always makes flying as relaxing and refreshing as an iced sweet tea on a hot summer day, he is also a very poetic photographer who expresses the beautiful living soul of the world in photos.

Today I’m honoring my flight instructor for being the very best at all he does!   (And not because I’m waiting on my student license to solo, either – although I can see my temporary license out on the web now.)

“You become things, you become an atmosphere, and if you become it, which means you incorporate it within you, you can also give it back. You can put this feeling into a picture. A painter can do it. And a musician can do it and I think a photographer can do that too and that I would call the dreaming with open eyes.” ~Ernst Haas


Did I mention that we were up at about 4500 feet, then came down and got to see the sunrise for a second time? That was cool!

Blue skies, ALWAYS!!


Related Images:

February 27, 2018: Intuitive Mind

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