“Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never get the same moment twice.” – unknown

I try to cherish each minute.   Every morning is a new adventure when you fly.  This morning’s adventure started at 6:00 AM.  I departed Runway 30 at Virginia Tech, got to pattern altitude, announced that I was downwind 30 Virginia Tech, then did my first landing.  While doing a couple of those, we found we were dealing with a tailwind.  SO time to try something else.

Lesson for today:  Don’t just fly:  SOAR.  So we went to fly with angels above the clouds and to see the sun rise since it was cloudy below.  This morning it was like a palace in the clouds; it was magical.  Time stood still.

One thing I think of each time as we’re departing the runway:  the best is yet to come.  Then after each flight, I think it can’t get any better than this.  But, somehow it only gets better and better!


“Give your dreams the wings to fly, you have everything you need if you just believe.”  I hope you don’t do what I did:  lived my fears instead of living my dreams.  Every time I fly or look at the beautiful photos that Roger takes, I get shivers that I could have missed this exquisitely beautiful part of my life if I had stayed on that path.






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February 21, 2018: You’ll Never Get the Same Moment Twice

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