“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.  It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” -Albert Einstein

It was a little foggy and a little mysterious  –  but a whole lot of beautiful – out this morning!!!  With all the rainy days, this is the first day we’ve gotten to fly for 12 days.  Twelve days for me was the equivalent of forever.  My heart was racing when I got in the plane this morning simply from excitement.

Fog in the morning reminds me of something I read that always makes me laugh:  “Most of us live in a fog. It’s like life is a movie we arrived to 20 minutes late. You know something important seems to be going on. But we can’t figure out the story. We don’t know what part we’re supposed to play or what the plot is.” -John Eldredge

This morning I practiced takeoffs and landings.  I have now passed the pre-solo written test.  And I’m waiting for my student pilot license before I can solo.  I’m so excited; it makes my heart dance!

Take the opportunity to let  all your worries drift away as you enjoy the photos of our adventure from this morning.  Fly with us to places that are always breathtakingly gorgeous.  Life is the most exciting opportunity we have.   My thanks always to Roger for being so multi-talented!

All photos taken near the Virginia Tech airport this morning.

“Like a raspberry ice cream sandwich, 103 in between the red heavens.”

And then we saw the exquisite sun rising:





Related Images:

February 20, 2018: A Little Fog; A Whole Lot of Beautiful

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