Have you heard the saying “snowflakes are winter’s butterflies”?  Well, we saw some of winter’s butterflies this week!

Snow on the mountains are so peaceful and beautiful!
Snow near I-81 in Christiansburg, VA.
Snow everywhere. Well, except when you look toward West Virginia. Nothing was there. What’s with that?
I am so in love with these mountains!
Roger takes the coolest pictures. Cool snow plaid!!

“Photography is a love affair with life.”  – Burk Uzzle

It snowed here on Wednesday morning.  Then it kept snowing.   It was exhilirating!  It was beautiful!  AND, it was super cold!  Today is the first day that I could fly.  I was excited to get the opportunity to see the snow from above!!

Today I practiced take offs and landings.  AND I practiced simulated engine failures!  I can trust Roger to throw me a curve ball!  Always fun, always different, and something always new!  Bring it on!  I was thrilled to be back up in the air!

There is so much amazing beauty in this world.  This moment is my life.  This moment is also your life.  Don’t ever forget to live it.

Related Images:

January 19, 2018: Snow Photos

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