“The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”  RIP ― Christopher McCandless 

Happy Belated New Year to you!  I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the following of the blog.  It’s time for another exciting adventure!!   It has been about three weeks since I’ve been flying.  I have so GREATLY missed it!!  I felt like I was making progress before the hiatus.  Now I’m having to take some steps backward in order to get back up to speed.  But I am determined to get there.

I was supposed to have gone flying this morning.  But the weather was not cooperative.  (I used to love the seasons here in Virginia, but now I’m not liking January too much since I seem to be playing against the odds trying to find a fair weather day.)  This afternoon though was a tad nicer so we took advantage of the warmer weather.  To get back up to speed, I did touch and go’s.  I felt my heart racing from excitement being in the air again.  It feels like home to me.

Below are pictures that Roger took this afternoon.  I feel enormously blessed to have him as my instructor.  I am forever grateful.





Related Images:

January 9, 2018: Joy of Life

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