“Life is like Mother Nature, unpredictable.  There’s cloudy days and there’s sunny days but you have the power to decide the weather of your life.”  -unknown

There is always beauty in every morning.  Sometimes the softness of the colors when it’s cloudy, like today,  allows you to feel the peacefulness that life offers.  The world felt softer somehow.

Plus, there’s still sunshine and lots of color in my soul:    I got to fly this morning!   Yay!!   I had lots of fun although I made some mistakes.  (Yes, Roger is “brutally” honest to save my life – peppered with words of encouragement when I do things right.)   Everybody wants happiness.  Nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.   Sometimes my best isn’t quite good enough just yet, but I’ve said this before:  I am thankful that I am making the mistakes while I have Roger, my instructor, in the plane next to me explaining to me what I’ve done wrong and how I can correct the situation even though sometimes I am embarrassed by what he tells me. At the end of the day, I am eternally grateful.

Today I also practiced communicating with the airport.  Learning to fly is like learning to live.  It’s strange.  It’s like feeling yourself live, really live.  All of the mundane goes away when you’re flying.  (And, no, it wasn’t due to lack of oxygen!)

So, I know what you’re thinking:  where are the pictures???  Right here, of course.

“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again.  You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it your whole life.”  -Joan Miro.   The latter describes Roger’s photos.

May you always find peace.





Related Images:

January 10, 2018: Sometimes the Sunshine Comes From Within

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