May you begin this day with a smile on your face and with happiness for your soul to embrace. – Unknown

Did you ever see the movie “Forrest Gump”?  If you did, I’m sure that you’ll recall Forrest (played by Tom Hanks) saying, “My Mom always said life was like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get.”  That also describes sunrises in the morning.  You never know if they’re going to be brilliant red, or bright pink, or a variation of pastels.  What I do know is that there is so much enormous beauty in all that you encounter doing things that you enjoy, that excite you.  Be in love with your life.  Every minute of it.”  -Jack Keronac.

Today I did (successfully) power-on stalls, power-off stalls, and turn stalls.  I did steep turns as well.  And, great news everybody, I did recovery from faulty landings.  (From yesterday:  bad student: Roger; good instructor:  that was me.  (And, may I add:  Yay! I did it!)



“There are stars you haven’t seen and loves you haven’t loved

there’s light you haven’t felt and sunrises yet to dawn

there are dreams you haven’t dreamed

and days you haven’t lived

and nights you won’t forget

and flowers yet to grow

and there is more to you that you have yet to know.”










Related Images:

December 12, 2017: Sunrises are Like a Box of Chocolates

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