“Each new day, a gift to be opened, sunrise slowly unties its ribbon of hope.” Unknown

Have you ever looked at a sunrise and felt completely overwhelmed by its beauty?  The most breathtaking moments of my life happened to me this morning and is shared with you below (thanks to Roger – of course).  You are important in this world.  And every day that we get up and see a sunrise, it’s a very, very special gift to all of us. We are so richly blessed.

I love waking up and flying with Roger, but especially this morning.  We flew to Roanoke to what I thought was going to be touch and go’s.  We were greeted with this incredible sunrise.

And if that were not enough, he taught me forward slips this morning.  So, you may be wondering, what is a “forward slip”?  It’s super fun and it helps you lose altitude quickly.  If you have read all of my previous blogs, you’ll know that I get super excited when Roger would do them while doing short landings.  But, today he showed me how to do it.  I got to do 4 or 5 of them in fact.  It helps you descend quickly if you are up too high to land, for example.  You pick a point out in front of you as your target.  You pull back to idle, position your aileron into the wind while really pressing on the opposite rudder hard, as you are focusing on an object out in front of you.  To recover from the slip, you level off your aileron and let up on the rudder.  Oh my goodness, it was more fun than riding everything in an amusement park!

A big thank you to Roger.  Each and every day you leave the world a much better place.


It’s the moon.


The sky is calling, answer it, X marks the spot!




Related Images:

December 4, 2017: Breathtaking Sunrise

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