People have asked me what my instructor has taught me.  I’ll try to break some of the things I’ve learned  from him down to simple, un-technical terms:

-It’s always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward.

-Every takeoff is optional.  Every landing is mandatory.

-If you push the yoke forward, houses get bigger.  If you pull the yoke back, they get smaller.

-Stay away from shiny, spinning things.  Also, yell to keep other people from shiny, spinny things before starting the engine.

-Oh, and after starting the engine, checking the magnetos does not mean turning the engine off.

-The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool.  When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start to sweat.

-Stay out of clouds. Seriously!  The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds.

-It may feel like a sport car, but NEVER, EVER go squealing in to park it.

-Up is up.  Down is down.  Don’t confuse the two.

-Right rudder.  Right rudder. Right rudder.  (No, your other “right”.)

-Wear good sunglasses for protection.  They also make you look cool.

-“Speed is life, altitude is life insurance.”

-Always fly the plane.  No, you cannot go looking for something in your purse.

-Your seat belt should not be on the outside of the plane.

-Taking off with flaps:  no, no, no!  Taking off without flaps:   good to remember.

-It’s a really, really great day when you get K.C. and the Sunshine Band from your instructor.

-Flying is ALWAYS fun – well, for me.  But as I look back at my journey, it really makes me wonder just how much  one instructor can possibly handle.  And, he’s still my instructor.

-And he still takes beautiful photos!!!

Is there absolutely any wonder why I think Roger is the coolest, bravest soul I know?  (All six of my brothers would completely understand.  They’ve also taught me things in life/about life that mean everything to me in the end, but know how frustrating it can be to teach me.  I love you all so very, very much!)

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”  — Aaron Siskind


Photos in Roanoke, VA this morning.  I got to alternate landing on Runway 24 and Runway 34.  (We had the cool controller!)

















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November 17, 2017: Always Try

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