“Life is like flying an airplane.  You’ll be pushed around, have your ups and downs, but try hard enough and you’ll land where your heart desires.” – unknown

Or, in my case, takeoff where your heart desires!  I felt like my life was in a hold pattern while the Cessna 152 was at its “health spa”!    It came back looking all shiny and gorgeous – and worth the wait!  I was so excited that I got to go fly after 12 days, I just couldn’t stop smiling!

The clouds were definitely here this morning, but they were still high enough to fly.  Music to my ears!  So, off to Roanoke we went!  I did landings on Runway 6 (which isn’t my favorite, but it sure looked like it this morning)!  We saw a pure red sun this morning that was so incredible.  The colors of the light having shorter wavelengths fade away leaving only the  longer (red) wavelengths which scatter more effectively.  Read more at the National Weather Service website.

As always, I learned more from my instructor (who is an amazing pilot and passes it on)!  Learning to fly reminds me of watching a butterfly coming out of its pupa for the first (and only) time.  This delicate and exquisitely beautiful process is feeling like you’re normal, protected and you think that’s the way life will always be.  UNTIL you fly for the first time.  Then you look around you and you see this whole big beautiful world that you never even knew existed.  It’s heavenly to be free of the things that you deal with every day and feel, really feel,  this new world around you.  But, here you are with wings that you’ve got to learn to use.  Then you look at yourself and realize that you have also changed.

The first time I saw a butterfly coming out of its pupa was when I was six years old.  Shortly after that, we had career day at school and I was asked what I wanted to be.  I wanted to be a butterfly.  Everyone, including the teacher, Ms. Blalock, laughed.   She told me I had to be a teacher or a nurse or something like that.   I started to cry; I really wanted to be a butterfly.  So, a kid in my class named Danny B. spoke up and told me his Dad had a helicopter that I could use.  (I think I wanted to be beautiful and elegant like a butterfly, but flying a helicopter sounded super exciting, too.)  I kept him around; he was my partner in third grade for the dance around the Maypole.  Besides, he also brought me cookies alot after that.

“Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.”

Check out the “volcano look” in the center of the sky.
The red sun in Roanoke, VA.
I love, love, love this morning sky!
Carvin’s Cove
The new VT drone flying cage to keep them away from us real airplanes.
This is where Virginia Tech Hokie stones come from!

I am so in love with these mountains!


Watch more sunrises – less Netflix

Related Images:

November 15, 2017 – I Got to Fly Today!!

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