No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up. – unknown

I got up early, all excited to go fly after a whole week off, took my dog outside for a quick walk, and then -bam- it’s raining!  It’s foggy!  All I can see in the sky at 5:00 this morning were low clouds!!  SO, no flying for me today.

For those of you who may not be aware, flying VFR (Visual Flight Rules) there are regulations regarding weather.  The standard weather minimums are: three miles visibility, cloud clearance of 500 feet below, 1000 feet above, and 2000 feet horizontally, and  a ceiling of at least 1,000 feet.

People always say, “I see commercial planes flying in the rain/snow all the time.”  Reason:  they’re not flying VFR, they’re flying IFR (Instrument Flight Rules).

If you want to learn more in simple terms about weather, please read about it here in flight decision.

So, in summary:   “Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things.” – George Carlin

Related Images:

November 13, 2017 – Rain, Fog, What Else Could Go Wrong?

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