Design a life you love.

When I went for a flying lesson this morning, I kept thinking of that saying.

As with every lesson with my flight instructor, I learned a great deal starting with, “I’m safe” which is an aviation acronym:

  • Illness – is the pilot suffering from an illness which might affect their flight
  • Medication – is the pilot taking any prescription or over-the-counter drug
  • Stress – Pressures of every day life that can affect performance
  • Alcohol – within the past 8 hours
  • Fatigue – has the pilot gotten enough sleep, for instance
  • Emotion – upsetting event – but the “E” has been changed to “Eating” (hydration, nutrition)

The most exciting thing that I learned this morning, however,  was how to feel the plane for landings instead of dealing with the mechanical aspect.  I was thrilled!  The landings were much smoother.

I also learned that it takes three minutes for the wake turbulence from a jet to dissipate (which is important when following a jet when you’re landing).

And, did you know that the typical sound level of a small plane is about 88 decibels at about 1000 feet above the ground – the equivalent of a dishwasher.

I love Roanoke Airport (Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport) as I’ve said previously.  One of the things I just learned is there is an underpass.  Construction of the tunnel became necessary as a result of a 900-foot expansion in 1985 to Runway 6/24 crossing its right-of-way (along Virginia State Route 118).

There’s always a song that I choose in the morning to listen to all day in my mind.   I get my energy from the songs I choose.  I hope you start every day with a song in your heart and a smile on your face.


Marc Riboud, a French photojournalist, said “taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”  Although I wasn’t the one taking any of the photos on this site, I truly appreciate Riboud’s  sentiment while viewing the photos.  Or, as Ansel Adams wisely put it, “there are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.”

Taking off from the Virginia Tech airport.
Enroute to the Roanoke Airport
Runway 24 at Roanoke Airport
Gorgeous sunny morning in Roanoke
The runway I was doing takeoffs and landings on this morning.
Check it out. See the tunnel!!
You have to admit this is absolutely beautiful

Related Images:

September 27, 2017: I’m Safe

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