When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter, and sparkle all week long!

It was starting to get a bit foggy out this morning as I arrived at the Blacksburg airport – in the dark. So, off to Roanoke airport to practice landings there! Yay!! I LOVE the Roanoke airport. It’s my favorite place these days. It’s much more spacious – longer, wider, and 4 runways. Flying there is also fun with mountains on either side. I’ve learned to enjoy playing around the big planes and watching them take off while we’re holding in pattern. Added bonuses: it’s just really pretty there with mountains off in the distance. And, I LOVE flying so close over the traffic, then pulling the throttle to idle right before landing.  (For that one, I think you have to be in the plane to imagine it.) It was the perfect way to start a Monday!

And, my landings were good but probably not as good as the other day. I have to learn consistency.

We got back to Blacksburg, then I had to shake the pixie dust from my hair and into work I went.

I hope you enjoy the photos taken by Roger as much as I do!

When it’s not always raining there’ll be days like this
When there’s no one complaining there’ll be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
Well my mama told me there’ll be days like this

-van Morrison

Related Images:

September 25, 2017: Monday Joy at Roanoke Airport

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