Yesterday morning was extremely foggy so my flying lesson was cancelled and rescheduled to this afternoon at 3:30 PM.  I’ll have to think about switching up the times and dates of my lessons as we enter October.  So, perhaps I’ll be seeing how pretty sunsets are or what twilight looks like.  With flying, I’m learning that there’s always more to learn, you have to plan, learn more patience, and weather always trumps – always.

Unfortunately I have now learned that you cannot rely on “All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust.” -Peter Pan.  But flying is always magical.

This afternoon I practiced takeoffs and landings.  I loved every second of it!  As always, Roger, my flight instructor, taught me more about crosswinds, how to compensate coming in too high, how to flare in different weather conditions.  And, he always makes it fun!

He also let me know that the next time it’s too windy, I’ll practice stalls. I’m intrigued.

One of the many fun things we did this afternoon was fly over Sinkland Farms:




Do you see what it is?   It’s a Knight on a Horse!




As we were landing my flight instructor said some strange insect flew into his house last night and it just showed up at the airport!

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.” – Jared Kintz

Related Images:

September 16, 2017: Rescheduled Flight Delight

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